Monday, August 17, 2009

Wallet Update

Well, Mike never found his wallet. Apparently he did go to the school at 4 am, and the lady who he suspected of stealing his possessions was not working that shift. (He didn't think THAT point through!) Regardless, he talked with the other ladies that were working that evening.

Mike explained that he thought their "friend" may have accidentally picked up his wallet and did they know anything about it. What kind of person would have thrown their co-worker under the bus like that? Both ladies stated they had not seen any sort of wallet wandering around. Then Mike decides to pull out the big guns and tell them that he is aware of the marijuana smoking that has been going on, and if the wallet is returned to him, there will be no questions asked. "So, you threatened two ladies that had no idea what was going on?" I asked. "I mean, I wasn't threatening them, I was just trying to tell them that I wouldn't turn her in if she returned the wallet." Apparently this wasn't as thought out as he was trying to convince me the other night.

So, no wallet. All credit cards and everything else have been cancelled and Mike borrowed my credit card until he could get some cash from the bank. Now, basically the only thing that we do not do, as far as being considered a married couple, is share a bank account. So, he still has some money coming in, while I am completely broke. So when I started seeing Wendy's bags and Quick-Trip cups in the trash in the morning, we had to have a little chat. "When you are poor, you don't get to buy the Big Gulp just because you are thirsty at 3:00 am." Mike informed me that he did not like being poor. Welcome to my life!

1 comment:

  1. hehe twisted logic-- "if i confess that i know about the pot smoking, they will feel comfortable enough to tell me the truth" haha now they just think he's a narc
