I am a little nervous to tell y'all this, but...I have a new job. I know. It is crazy. However, I am actually working in the LEGAL field, doing all the stuff I trained for three years to learn how to do! On Monday I met with another attorney whom I had been referred to. He is the DA of some area in Dallas and apparently is the "Guy to know." I explained my situation and we mulled over the fact that the legal market is saturated and there are no jobs for aspiring young lawyers like me. He told me to "hang on a minute" while he made one call.
A few minutes later, he was rushing me out the door because the lady he called was leaving in 30 minutes. Apparently the firm where I was headed had just fired their clerk (that scares the heck out of me.) I talked with the two attorneys in the office and they said they would give me a call the next day to let me know one way or the other. Can you believe I finally have my own office, with my own computer and a WINDOW?? It is so exciting. I am just scared to death of doing something wrong and getting fired yet again, so I am trying to be as by the book as possible.
Today was exciting because I got to go to court with one of the attorneys. Although I wasn't allowed to speak, it was still a lot of fun to be in the group listening to what was going on. So finally, two years after graduation, I am hoping we might just be on the right path!