I have tried not to make too many of these blogs about the wedding, because honestly, before I got engaged, I didn't like to read about other people planning for their big day that I was still anxiously awaiting. Call it jealousy, and immaturity, but I really didn't. Regardless, I am going to talk about one of the most fun wedding planning parts I have encountered. Registering. How fun is that?? They literally let you go around with a scanner (unmonitored) and scan whatever you want.
It was funny when we started because I am very decisive and it takes Mike a little while to make decisions. He wanted to view all the options before he started clicking on things. Not me. He left for a few minutes and was quickly back because he said all he heard was obsessive beeping, and he knew it could be none other than his fiance.
The problem that comes with registering (at least in my case) is I lost all control. I was like a kid in a candy store. Yes, some of my purchases may seem expensive or silly now, but I was able to create a story behind every one of them.
Mike: Why do you think we need this heart shaped muffin pan?
Me: This is for when Mikey Jr. and I are baking you cupcakes to surprise you after a long day at work.
(Who can argue with that?)
Mike: Why do we need the Dyson DC25 Upright Lightweight Vacuum?
Me: Oh babe, once we get our lab, you know how much she will shed. And once the kids are playing on the floor, do you really want them to ingest mold and fungus that the vacuum could easily take care of? You want to risk the health of our kids for our registry?
He didn't argue anymore on that particular issue, but I am pretty sure he just gave up. I have extravagant dinner parties in mind (for which I need a lot more friends and a better job), ideas of making Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for my family, and I am already decorating our new house. The registry really does represent to me the beginning of our new life together. Yes, I may have a can opener from 1992, but isn't it time we moved into the world of electric can openers?
And so, among the concerns that we still don't have a minister, and that I have to learn calligraphy and address 150 envelopes in the next 2-3 months, the registering process is a little light that keeps me going. (Did you know you can even access these babies on line??! I check everyday to see if anyone has invested in that super powered vacuum yet.) Hey - it's still early.
I am so jealous. I really want to register.