Sunday, May 13, 2012

It Starts with One

I know that I have not written in awhile, but I am going to address that in another post. Work is wearing me out! Today I am focused on Mother's Day and how many special people should be honored. It occurred to me  that while we all have our one "real" momma, the one who raised us, there are so many other wonderful women that should be celebrated. No, I am not going to forget this lady right here:

This woman is the most selfless, loving and fiercely protective person I have met when it comes to her babies (whether they are 3 years old or 31.) I know I can call her at any hour to talk through a problem, ask for relationship advice or just kill time on my drive home from work. She works tirelessly as a mother, but also for my dad's practice- and she just discovered coffee last year! My mother is a mediator, a listener and a shoulder to cry on. She is hilarious after one glass of wine and often amazes me with her inability to age. And so, it starts with one.

I can almost bet that everyone has an "Other Mother." A mom they spend half their childhood with. A mom that was given permission to punish you if necessary and whose house you know just as well as your own. For me, this was Nancy Heck - my very best friend, Emily's mother. Nancy used to listen to me while I followed her around the house asking her questions, and put me to work scrubbing bathrooms if I was over on the weekends. I can still call her even though her daughter is in New York, just to catch up. She is an incredible other mother, and now, an incredible grandmother to three beautiful babies.

Then we have the mothers that aren't related by blood. My mother in law, who gave me the gift of an amazing husband.

Who taught her son how to treat and treasure his wife, and molded him into the patient, kind and loving man that he is. She is always a blast when we get together, ready to celebrate any occasion in true Italian style. Mama C is a fashion connoisseur and keeps me updated with the latest trends - she has also taught me more than one secret to cooking. She embraced me as soon as I met her nine years ago, and has constantly continued to make me feel like her daughter, not just an "in-law." (We were going to a Halloween party....I think I am the only one that dressed up...)

Finally, we have the next generation. The women who are my friends, who have begun this journey of motherhood. While stressful, exhausting and probably the hardest thing they have ever done, the girls I know are amazing. They are patient, loving and thoughtful. They seem to automatically know how to take a deep breath and count to 10. They are creative and raising incredible children, while they continue to balance external jobs and marriages. (Sorry, I have more pictures of their kids than the moms! Also these are in no particular order!)


Rachel & Anna Barton:
Kate (who has twin sisters on the way!):


Kate and Ellie:

Houston and Calista:


Avery Claire, Auden and Adler Grace - Baby Bee is looking down on you!

So Happy Mother's Day to ALL the wonderful mothers out there. You are appreciated and loved!!

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