Anyway, I had to put my phone on silenct and move it across the room so I wouldn't be distracted by random texts that popped up (even if they were just from Verizon telling me I have a bill to pay.) I recently told my dad that I have adult onset ADD. I like to believe that all my issues are adult onset. Anyway, he told me I am creating the ADD for myself. He told me to go to the library (how long has it been since you went there) and turn off the internet. Surprisingly, my ADD went away. We are so connected to everything and have been taught that we need to know everything immediately, and we are shortening our attention spans. Is it necessary for me to see immediately who has posted pictures or their random thought for the day on Facebook? No. Plus, it opens up a world of privacy issues. I know more about people I don't "really know" than they would probably like. Sometimes I feel like I still live in AL because I know what everyone did that week. When you think about writing something on your wall, you don't think about the other 513 friends you have - you are probably thinking about your close friends that will read the sentence.
My next issue is texting. It drives me crazy. I don't mind a quick text here and there about when and where to meet, or "I'm running a little late." However, when you text me, "What are you doing?" I would prefer that you pick up the phone. Additionally, dating is now a victim of technology. I have no problem with people meeting on-line. I actually think that is a pretty good idea, as long as you are safe about it. My issue is that romances don't seem to start with conversations anymore. They start with texts! Then you end up with people attempting to read into one or two sentences that their potential boyfriend or girlfriend has sent. "What exactly did the question mark at the end of the sentence mean?" Also, I read an article that said those relationships that do start with texts tend to move more quickly physically because you feel like you know that person more intimately. People are less afraid to write what they may be thinking/feeling than they are to say it. Maybe if Mike and I had started dating in the time of the text, it wouldn't have taken so long for him to say, "I love you!"
I know that there are positive things that come from technology. The internet is a great tool, and I do love Facebook so that I can keep up with friends who live far away. I think I will go check it before I get back to studying.
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