Friday, August 27, 2010

New Name

I need a new name for the blog. A lot of people offer prizes for those who come up with the best blog name, but I don't embroider or sew, and I can't really cook/bake you something if you don't live in Dallas. However, if you want your name announced on this super cool blog, I am taking suggestions! Hope everyone is having an awesome Friday!


  1. New Adventures in St. Louis

    Chatter from Mrs. Cherbonneau

    New Name, New City...Still Jenny!

  2. oops...should say:
    New Adventures in Texas


  3. Jenny Does Dallas

    Home! Jenny!

    Dallas is for Lovers

    Married... With Lullabelle

    I prefer the first one.

  4. ha ha ha ha.. jenny does dallas! that's hysterical! sorry I cant be any help, i still dont even have a name for mine! =(

  5. Scandallas (but not really, unless you've changed)

    Apropos of Mrs. Cherbonneau

    Lexis Nexis...and Texas (Since you have a law job now! Congrats!)

    Long time no see! Love the blog!
